Online Gambling is a form of gambling that takes place over the internet. This activity can be done through many different platforms, including websites that offer casino games like poker and blackjack. Some of these platforms even offer sports betting, keno and lottery games. All that is needed to gamble online is a computer or smartphone and a reliable internet connection. This allows people to engage in gambling activities at any time of the day, which can be addictive. The fact that gambling online can go undetected makes it easier for people to hide their addiction from family and friends.

While bricks-and-mortar casinos still exist, their popularity is decreasing due to the growth of online gambling. In fact, it is estimated that more people than ever are now engaging in online gambling. This is especially true of young adults, with the majority of online gamblers being male and below the age of 30. Interestingly enough, online gambling also tends to skew towards mobile devices, with smartphones being the most popular method of accessing online casinos.

Despite its growth, online gambling has a number of issues that need to be addressed. One such issue is cybercrime, which can be a serious problem for online gamblers. For this reason, it is important for those who are considering gambling online to make sure that they use a website that uses HTTPS. This is the standard level of protection that a website must provide in order to ensure that your data is secure from hackers and other malicious actors.