
Poker is a card game that is played between two players, usually with a dealer, and is one of the oldest games in the world. The game is played in a variety of variations, including the well-known Texas Hold ‘Em, and is a popular form of entertainment in a number of countries.

The rules of poker vary widely, but the core principles remain the same across all types. Each player begins the game by making an initial bet, which is called an ante. After the first round, betting rounds are dealt in accordance with the variant being played and all bets are gathered into the central pot.

Basic Poker Strategy

The best poker strategy is to play in position, meaning you are waiting for your opponents to act before making a decision. This allows you to gain information about your opponent’s hand strength.

Identifying Tells

Professional poker players are able to “read” their opponents’ hands by paying close attention to involuntary reactions called tells. These may include obsessive peeking, twitching of the eyebrows, darting of the eyes, or any change in timbre of voice that telegraphs anxiety or excitement.


Bluffing is a technique used by some poker players to deceive their opponents into folding inferior hands. It is usually done by making an aggressive bet on a weak hand, with the intention of inducing an opponent to fold a stronger hand.


Aggression is an important part of winning poker. However, it should be used sparingly and only when the hand makes sense.